Lexis Meza

Lex (they/she/elle/ella) is a first gen queer Mexican American of Indigenous heritage studying Ecology, Latin American Studies, and Educational Psychology. Originally from the forested mountains and tropical lakes of Coca and Purhepecha ancestral homelands in central Mexico, they are also a proud desert rat, raised by immigrant parents in the Mojave Desert of Serrano and Vanyume homelands. As a student, teacher, and writer, Lex is exploring ways of cultivating and nourishing our relationships to place and to land through cultural funds of knowledge and critical socio-ecological frameworks. In the future, Lex plans to continue her work reorienting relational perspectives and strengthening place-based connections through ancestral practices, facilitation work, and decolonial educational programming. In the meantime, she enjoys spending her free time reading, cooking, hiking, and writing creatively.