FORCE - Feminists Organized to Resist, Create, and Empower -
is the feminist internship program offered through the Women and Gender Resource Center.
FORCE creates feminist community on the UA campus and also offers educational outreach programs. From our weekly Sip n’ Bitch to special events like Craftivism, Community Conversations, feminist focused film, or the annual SlutWalk, the FORCE interns are committed to personal growth, intersectional justice, and campus change. If you’d like to be part of our feminist community and help create change, connect with us on our social media platforms to see how to get involved. We are currently operating in-person and hybrid for programs and events. We also welcome you to apply to be an intern! All genders are welcome.
Please direct any questions to Audrie Ford, oddtreeford@arizona.edu and Kim Dominguez, yaya1@arizona.edu
FORCE is a for-credit internship. New interns are admitted to the internship by first enrolling for credit through a major/minor department, ex: EDL 293, GWS 393, or Independent Study. You may also volunteer for no credit, but will be expected to attend internship class, plan, and be as involved in the same capacity as our for-credit interns. It is a student's responsibility to confirm academic credit with your home department and enroll with an academic advisor, this is different from an internship advisor. NOTE: This is different from internship advisor/coordinator in the WGRC. Once admitted, the intern must remain in good academic standing to remain enrolled in an internship for the semester.
Follow FORCE on Instagram for the most up to date information on this week's events!